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Certified Herbalist Training – Program Three

The Institute of Chinese Herbology is proud to offer the Chinese Herbology Certification Program.  

The completion of Program Three: The ICH Certified Herbalist Training Program is the culmination of the study of Chinese Herbology presented in this series of online TCM Courses offered by The Institute of Chinese Herbology. 

This is the capstone course, offering one-on-one instruction in the art and science of Traditional Chinese Medicine with a specific focus on the use of Traditional Chinese Herbal formulas in the treatment of almost any medical condition. 

With this knowledge, you will know how to treat health imbalances with herbs in the most effective and holistic manner. You will be able to add the use and prescription of Chinese Herbs to your existing Alternative Medical Practice, or feel confident in starting a career in Alternative Medicine. 

Our Online Classes in Traditional Chinese Medicine are recognized by the California State Acupuncture Board (CEUs) and The National Certification Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (NCCAOM).

As a holder of a Certificate in Chinese Herbology from the Institute of Chinese Herbology, you will have documentation of your in-depth knowledge of Chinese Herbology and Traditional Chinese Medicine from one of the most respected Online Schools of Chinese Herbology in the USA.

ICH Program Two: Advanced Herbalist Training is a prerequisite for Program Three: The Certified Herbalist Training Program. At the completion of Program Three, you will receive your Certified Herbalist Certificate.  

This Section includes thirty written case studies. Your instructor will review these case studies and give detailed written feedback on your analysis to help improve your diagnostic and herbal formulation abilities.

Students are then given the opportunity to observe the effects of their formulas on their own patients by writing their own cases, patient diagnostics, formulas, and outcomes. Your instructor will provide one-on-one guidance and evaluation of your case studies for your further education.

After completion of Program Three, you will become a Certified Herbalist and will receive an Institute of Chinese Herbology Certified Herbalist Certificate.


Once you have completed the following programs:

  1. Comprehensive Herbalist Training
  2. Advanced Herbalist Training

(Health professionals who have a background in Chinese Medicine need only to complete the Advanced Herbalist Training to fulfill the prerequisite.)

Clinical Herbalist Training/Certified Herbalist Certificate


Approximately 100 hours


Optional Herb Samples


Includes a sample of the 155+ herbs taught in throughout the courses. These herb samples are included in Program One with purchase of Introduction to Chinese Herbology, Key Concepts and Therapeutic Principles.

Printed Notes in 3-Ring Binders for Program One


Printed Notes in 3-Ring Binders for Program Two


Comprehensive Herbalist Training – Program One

Advanced Herbalist Training – Program Two